Sunday, January 9, 2011

Moving right along

I made quite a bit more progress last night and this afternoon on the counted canvas piece.  I stayed up late last night determined to finish the 3rd large section, which I did and today just finished the 4th large section.  So, just one more large section to go and then the border.  I tried to get the sparkly parts to show up in the pictures, but am having very little luck.  We've had a snow day called for tomorrow already so I'll stay up late tonight and continue.  Maybe a finish to show by tomorrow night. 


  1. I find sparkly bits very hard to photograph. There must be a trick to it that I've yet to figure out. You're just power-stitching through this project!

  2. Очень красиво!!! Люблю зеленые оттенки!Браво!
